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Consciousness. Chapter 2 of MIND IN ACTION (in process).

I was studying these days for my Chapter 2 (Consciousness)  of Mind in Action  and was reading some articles and watching some YT videos. I found this one by Robert Lawrence Kuhn (which has some propensity for Dualism) and commented it like this:   Kuhn says that Humphrey thinks that Consciousness (C.) is an illusion, and that is not the correct way of explaining Humphrey’s adaptive explanation of C. He says that C. is an internalized analysis of incoming sensations in perception ( sensition ) and this enhances our love for life’s goodness, for survival. The illusion, says Humphrey, is that C. is so powerful that creates the belief in mind’s supreme existence outside matter. C.’s sensition creates the illusion of the immortal soul. That is the illusion: religion, the afterlife, the beyond. But C. comes from matter, it is not autonomous. Aristotle already said in De Anima that the mind is the body’s activity, its form, its capacities in action: its entelechia . Naturalism. But natura

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